¡Buenas Tardes a Todos!
(Disclaimer- everything in this blog post can and will be said with a lisp.)
Hmmmm… today is Tuesday which means that I must tell you about my weekend.
Last Friday- I think I told you guys that we were going on a field trip to Córdoba… I did right? Well let me tell you how I started off my Friday. First of all- I, Karla Arévalo, forgot my camera! If you know me at all you know that I NEVER go anywhere without my camera… pictures can be taken at any moment and on a field trip to a famous Mezquita you would think that I would remember! I am telling you, Spain is making me forgetful. That or the fact that my boyfriend is the most forgetful person I know. ¿Maybe a combination?
Anyways- Córdoba was nice and the weather was tolerable. I was expecting to die of a heat stroke or dehydration but I am still here.Thank God!
Saturday a few of us traveled to a beach called Matalascañas (for a more detailed description of the mess that was trying to get on the bus- please read someone else´s blog). I believe the word Chaos might be the most suiting word for what the process of getting to the beach was.
The beach itself was nice. My theory is that if you have seen one beach you more or less have seen them all. The only slight difference might be the several topless females and naked children running around… or simply sunbathing. Nevertheless- more partial and full nudity than I am accustomed to. But the weather was nice.
My Señora packed me a Bocadillo (Sub sandwich) for both Friday and Saturday and they happened to be some of the less appetizing subs I have had in a while. That probably doesn’t mean much since I always eat the same ham and cheese sub at Subway and turkey with Swiss at Quiznos. Trust me though these subs were nothing to be desired.
However- I did have a pretty good meal today. Sarah did not come home for lunch today and since she was gone my Señora made me some sort of lentil soup (Sarah is allergic). Salud also fried some fish which was delicious and I had some bread and an apple. Now that you know all about my diet…. Let us talk about something else.
Hmmm….Sunday I was a pile and did a whole lot of nothing. It was good. Later that night John and I tried to go to a concert in the park but sadly only 8 spots were left and we were not able to attend. From what we could see (the park is blocked off) the gardens were beautiful. I was tempted to jump the wall. Oh well… we indulged in the most expensive ice cream cones I have ever had instead.
It rained yesterday. Sevillanos are not used to rain so everyone was running around like headless animals. It would have been funnier if my laptop had not been in my backpack. I could not enjoy it to the fullest since I had to quickly get home without crashing into anything. They really should make mini windshield wiper-type things for glasses.
Anyways- these are all my random thoughts for now.
Peace and love my friends,
Hahahaha did she give you salchicas? Fortunately I never had a bocadillo with salchicha in Spain, but I saw plenty of them and they were... unappetizing. Also pate/ meat spread stuff.