Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Horses, the moon, woods, water, blood.... and other symbols.

Dear friends,

It is time for my weekly update.

1. Serving at the old folk´s home last Thursday night was awesome. I got to meet some little old nuns who were about half my size. Hard to believe right? The one lady, Inez, was the smallest person I have ever seen and she was not a midget- just short. The bad thing about this whole thing is that I have to pay out of pocket to get there and back and it may only be about 3 Euros but it adds up... this little thing irritated me. One would think that traveling expenses (to and from something that is part of a class) would be included in the ridiculous tuition we have paid... well it is not. My first thought was- "hmmm a good walk", trust me this is not a walk you want to endure late at night when you are already late to a late supper.

2. This weekend we visited where Christopher Columbus waited to receive money from the queen inorder to begin his travels and discover the land that is America (and kill lots of people). The boats were cool- the 4.5hrs spent in a dead town while everyone else sunbathed was not so cool. I would prefer to waste my time somewhere where- if I desired, I could go home and sleep.

3. I witnessed some parades this weekend (see pictures on Facebook). The one was for a saint that looked like Jesus and the other for a virgin that looked expensive. Did I mention they had two bands that happened to walk past the street next to my window? It was a nice lulluby before bed. :)

4. John and I are going to London this Thursday... I really want to just leave now but I have a test tomorrow in my theatre class (hence the title of my blog post). I have decided it is not worth studying. The teachers here are easy graders and the material, thus far, has not been difficult. I really hope it remains this way.

5. Salud continues to surprise me. I caught her giving her grandchildren beer the other night when I walked in to our apartment. She just smiled and laughed. Her grandchildren then stated that beer was yummy and that they liked it (please be aware that these children are about 7 and 5... or something close to this). I was not sure whether I should find this comical or just wrong. Either way, I was left speechless. As many of you know- this is a rare occasion.

6. I cannot breathe. It is too hot outside and I do not like it. I want it to be cold so I can complain about freezing. I would much rather be cold than hot and sweaty. Let us hope the cold comes sooner than later.

7. These are my new thoughts on Spain. I am still loving my time here and the people are cool. School is ok (school is school where ever you go), people are fun, the food continues to surprise me. I had amazing chicken today! Salud is a great cook and a sweetheart. I like to give her hugs.

8. Oh! I almost forgot, I might get to meet my intercambio aka my selected spanish friend! His name is Carlos... he has not texted me back but if I do happen to meet him I shall make sure to tell you everything he says... word by word. :P

9. The end.

Peace and Love from your Guatemalan,

Karla <3

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