Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I want a Kit Kat bar!

Hello Friends,

I warned you that I was horrible at blogging. It is not my fault, I just get sucked in to life and forget to write about it. Well know that my excuse is out of the way...

Since the last time I wrote many things have happened. I shall list them off.

1. I basically volunteered to talk about my summer in New Jersey for encuentro. I will be speaking for about 15-30 minutes. We shall see how that goes. I keep forgetting my fear of public speaking. Haha That will happen Oct. 28th, pray that I can figure out what exactly to talk about.

2. This past weekend John and I went to Granada. The bus ride was long but not nearly as bad as our first bus experience. While in Granada-

a.We walked a lot. My little feet were angry with me.

b.We learned what being really really hungry is like. I thought I was having a heart attack! (I am not sure how that works- Hunger should not equal a heart attack)

c.I missed Salud and her food... a lot!

d.We failed at giving a homeless man cookies. We accidently bought cookies that were not packaged correctly and decided that we should not eat them. We tried to give them to a homeless man that was digging around in the garbage and he woul not take them. I was very confused.

e.I really enjoyed the weather and kind of wish I was there and not in Sevilla. Although- it is raining here today. WOOT!

f.We discovered a little Brazillian restaurant that was reasonable and pretty tasty. The couple who owned it was sweet. She was from Jerez and he was from Brazil. Very nice people.

g.I was yelled at by an angry Gypsy woman when she realized that she read my palm for nothing because there was no way I was going to pay her 3 Euros ($4.50) for her blessing and a piece of pine tree. I think she cursed me and said what she told me would not come true. I wanted to say “GOOD! I do not want two children or good grades anyways!” But I did not. I did not want her to chase me. John took pictures while she was yelling at me so she got even more angry. It was funny.

h.We were fooled into thinking that the Alhambra was going to be just as cool or cooler if we went at night... it was all a LIE! It was barely lit and we could barely see where we were walking (Minor exaggeration but not really)!!! I wanted to give them a piece of my mind but it was late and we had a long walk back.

i.The next day it was chilly and we went back to the Brazillian place and had some amazing chicken! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD! I am sure the fact that we were hungry made it taste even better.

j.John is a pretty amazing person.

k.The bus ride was not the most comfortable but we took turns sleeping. The walk home sucked.

3. The past two days I have had my first exams. I hope I did well.

4. Salud almost died yesterday when she saw a little lizard in the bathroom. It was so funny. She was running around screaming that she was going to die. I love her!

5. I think this is all for now.

Until next time- Peace and Love my friends,



  1. It's probably your destiny to not write often in your blog, in which case there is no escaping it...just a thought...

  2. Maybe my passion is elsewhere which means that my passion is not blogging therefore I am destined to not blog.

    I think.

  3. 1. Not the angry, over-priced palm reading!

    2. The woman was probably friendly because she's from Jerez.

    3. It's probably good that you're living life too much to blog about it.

    4. I think they sell kit-kat bars here and now I want one too.

    5. I read about the lizard on Sarah's blog - hilarious!
